Take me back

I’ll always have a love/hate/love relationship with music videos. In some ways it’s where directing and production started for me. A blank canvas, not a real client in sight, and the freedom to throw what you will on the screen – before stripping yourself bare to the keyboard warriors, the couch creatives, to anyone with a screen. You always need to give everything you have, the mentality that once you start going down a road, you might as well follow it to the end. Everyone around you is basically gifting you their time and talent, just to be a part of something. To trust you, that they will all be able to hang their hat on the finished product. If you’re lucky the clip will get viewed a lot (I’m not sure where this metric sits in 2020). But sometimes it won’t. Most of the time I’ll tell myself that was the last time. That I need to move onto something with more foundation, more budget, more substance, more maturity. But that feeling fades, and an opportunity will pop up, and I’ll say yes. Because every time you embark on the little journey with a bunch of good people, it’s really fun. Each time you learn something. You make a mistake that you’ll never make again. And invariably, you’ll be proud of what you’ve done.

Jarred Osborn – Director 


26 August 2020

“Film for me isn’t just about the beautiful image – the process of shooting on film and its limitations are something that I enjoy more and more. Usually there’s a stock limit which is one constraint, but it actually is a guide to shooting what’s really important and focusing on that. The way you shoot a scene and move on feels exciting and it’s a rush knowing you have to get it within the stock limit.

“…Looking through a real time viewfinder means there’s zero delay in seeing what’s happening too, so those real intimate scenes where you need to be right in the moment, it’s really helpful shooting on film. There’s a million other reasons why film is the way to go for a lot of projects and I’m excited that people are getting back on the celluloid wagon more and more!”