2018 | The Year That Was.
One for the books

A wild ride it was, crossing time zones, a spot of Shakespeare, oiling up disco-men – all in the name of film.


It was our pleasure working with those of you that we got the chance to – putting our nimble approach to filmmaking into action and making some special things happen.


This year, we hit the road again for a global adventure in search of the world’s best drinks experiences, put Confidence Man back in the headlines for all the wrong reasons, dabbled in some stop-motion animation, and worked with stage theatre icon, MTC, to name but a few.


The Wildebeest team grew, we ventured into new realms and we pushed ourselves to the tell stories that we think are worth telling.


We’ll be back at it in 2019, but first a short break. Thanks again to all those special people who were along for the ride and helped make 2018 a year for the books.


Bye for now,

